What Are The Different Stick Handling Techniques in Inline Hockey

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

What are the different stick handling techniques in inline hockey?

This is a question that haunts many aspiring players.

Gaining expertise in the art of stickhandling can be intimidating, especially for those just beginning. But here’s the thing – it separates the novice from the veteran player.

Let’s take a look at what are the different stick handling techniques in inline hockey. If you don’t get to grips with these skills early on, climbing up those league tables will remain an elusive dream.

Stickhandling in inline hockey isn’t for faint-hearted folks.

Take, for instance, one enthusiastic rookie who shared his struggle of constantly losing puck control during crucial moments of a game. Now he’s apprehensive about stepping back onto the rink and worried if he’ll ever level up his gameplay.

No surprise there!

The truth is…

Without mastering various stick handling techniques in inline hockey, progress remains stagnant. The Importance of Stickhandling in Inline Hockey

Stickhandling is a critical skill that can significantly enhance an inline hockey player’s control over the puck.

Whether you’re just starting your stickhandling practice moving or are already adept, mastering this technique offers numerous benefits.

Mistakes and Misconceptions

In their eagerness to skate full tilt, many young players overlook the importance of fine-tuning their stick handling skills.

This oversight often leads them into common pitfalls such as losing track of opposing players’ puck location during high-speed plays.

Beyond Basic Puck Control

A misconception among beginners is thinking that stickhandling merely involves moving the puck back and forth between one’s hockey gloves using a hockey stick.

NHL Players Embarrass NHL Defensemen: A Case Study

To truly understand how effective good hand-eye coordination combined with proficient use of top hand and bottom hand can be, consider watching professional NHL games where skilled forwards routinely embarrass defensemen with ridiculous toe drags and deceptive moves.

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Gaining An Edge Over The Opposition With Proper Training Techniques And Drills:

Paying attention to situation-specific basics like controlling the puck wide on both forehand and backhand sides around your entire body gives you an edge over opponents who have not yet mastered these techniques.

It also makes for nice toe drag opportunities.

Check out these exercises designed specifically for improving situational awareness while maintaining superior control over the game pucks.
“The more we sweat in peace-time training,the less we bleed during war.”– Sun Tzu applies aptly here too.”- Unknown Coach from our Community..

Now let us dive deeper into understanding different aspects involved in learning efficient Stick Handling.

Stickhandling Basics for Beginners

If you’re new to inline hockey, understanding stickhandling basics is crucial.

This skill involves more than just moving the puck back and forth with your hockey stick; it’s about gaining control in all directions and positions.

Understanding Your Hockey Stick

Your first step towards mastering this art starts with getting familiarized with your hockey stick.

The top hand controls the movement while the bottom hand provides support.

A firm grip on your hockey gloves can significantly improve precision during practice sessions.

Using Your Body for Better Control

Beyond using a good quality stick blade, body movements play an essential role in controlling the puck effectively.

Including head fakes, shoulder drops or even subtle leg shifts can deceive opposing players about puck location – a technique many NHL players use to embarrass defensemen.

Advanced Stickhandling Techniques

In the world of inline hockey, advanced stickhandling techniques can make a significant difference in your game.

NHL players often use these tactics to embarrass NHL defensemen and gain an edge over their opponents.

Mastering Forehand Side Control

To improve control on the forehand side, starting with some specific drills is essential.

You might want to practice moving the puck wide while keeping your body between opposing players and puck location for protection.

Developing Backhand Puck Handling Skills

The backhand side tends to be more challenging for many hockey players due to its less natural feel compared to the forehand side. However, mastering it could provide you with a competitive advantage during games, as most opponents don’t expect strong moves from this angle.

With regular off-ice training using these techniques along with consistent application during actual games, you’ll soon notice improvements in both areas.

Let’s now dive into some essential stickhandling drills that will help refine these skills even further.

Essential Stickhandling Drills

Max Ivanov’s website, provides numerous beneficial exercises that can aid in developing better hands and deception skills while handling the puck.

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Limited Space Hockey Stickhandling Drills

You don’t need an expansive space to start your stickhandling practice moving; limited spaces at home or elsewhere can be just as effective for training purposes.

A drill such as maneuvering the hockey stick around stationary objects like cones or even household items helps improve precision and hand-eye coordination.

This exercise also encourages young players to become comfortable with their hockey gloves and sticks, making them more confident during actual games.

Rollerblading Hockey Stickhandling Drills

Rollerblading is another great way to simulate on-ice movement off ice, which aids significantly in honing one’s stick-handling abilities.

An example of this would be skating full tilt with roller blades while controlling a ball or mock-puck wide across both sides using only your top hand on the shaft and bottom hand guiding it gently along its path.

The key here is maintaining balance whilst focusing primarily on getting familiarized with different positions of holding onto our trusty tool – The hockey stick.

Incorporating Stickhandling Into Your Routine

Developing superior stickhandling skills requires consistent practice.

This isn’t just about performing stickhandling drills during formal training sessions, but integrating these exercises into your daily routine as well.

Morning Workouts and Stick Handling Drills

An excellent way to start the day is by incorporating a few stick handling exercises in your morning workout regimen.

You could begin with basic puck control using both forehand side and backhand side of the hockey stick blade, gradually moving on to more advanced techniques like toe drags once you’re warmed up.

Scheduled Practice Sessions Throughout The Day

If possible, schedule short bursts of focused practice throughout the day for maximum impact. This can be done even while taking breaks from work or study; all it takes is 10-15 minutes dedicated solely to honing your technique.

The Role Of Off-Ice Training In Skill Development

Off-ice training, including strength conditioning and hand-eye coordination drills, play an essential role in enhancing overall performance.

Remember that great NHL players didn’t achieve their ridiculous toe drag overnight; they invested time off-rink too.

Now that we’ve discussed how best to incorporate these practices into our routines let’s delve deeper into another crucial aspect: Hand-Eye Coordination.

Importance of Hand-Eye Coordination in Stick Handling

The mastery of stickhandling techniques in inline hockey is deeply rooted in the development of hand-eye coordination.

This skill allows a player to precisely control their hockey stick, ensuring they can maintain possession and manipulate the puck’s direction effectively under pressure from opposing players.

Enhancing Your Hand-Eye Coordination

A variety of off-ice training exercises exist that specifically aim to improve this vital aspect for both beginner and experienced players alike.

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For instance, offer numerous routines designed to enhance your reflexes while also strengthening your top hand grip on the hockey stick.

Juggling Drills

Juggling objects like tennis balls or even pucks helps train your brain to anticipate object movement better.

Helping you track multiple items simultaneously – much like keeping an eye on other players while controlling the puck.

Bounce-and-Catch Exercises

Throw a ball against a wall, alternating hands after each bounce, to improve reaction time and strengthen wrist muscles for stickhandling moves. This not only improves reaction time but also strengthens wrist muscles which are crucial when performing moves such as ridiculous toe drags during games.

In essence, developing superior hand-eye coordination through regular practice forms part of essential situation stickhandling basics every aspiring NHL player should master.

Keeping Opponents Guessing With Deceptive Moves

In the dynamic world of inline hockey, unpredictability is key to keeping opposing players off balance.

The ability to change puck location frequently during a game can make all the difference in gaining an edge over your competition.

Mastering The Art Of Deception In Stickhandling

A crucial part of stickhandling training involves learning how to incorporate deceptive moves into your gameplay effectively.

This includes techniques like changing directions quickly or shifting weight from one skate full tilt onto another, which are often used by NHL players to keep their opponents guessing and outmaneuver them on the rink.

NHL Players’ Signature Moves: A Source Of Inspiration For Young Players?

Young aspiring hockey players have much they can learn from observing professional NHL athletes perform these intricate maneuvers with finesse.

Watching professionals execute nice toe drags and ridiculous toe drags under pressure provides valuable insights that young players can use as reference points when practicing their own situation stickhandling basics at home or during practice sessions.

FAQs in Relation to What Are the Different Stick Handling Techniques in Inline Hockey

What is stick handling in hockey?

Stick handling in hockey refers to a player’s ability to control, maneuver, and maintain possession of the puck using their hockey stick.

How do I improve my stick handling in hockey?

You can improve your stick handling by practicing various drills, understanding your hockey stick better, and enhancing hand-eye coordination. Regular practice is key.

How do you teach stick handling?

Teaching stickhandling involves starting with basics like controlling the puck around your body and then progressing to advanced techniques such as toe drags. Use specific drills for each technique.

Why is stick handling important in hockey?

Effective stickhandling improves a player’s control over the puck, allows them to navigate through opponents more easily and contributes significantly towards scoring goals.


What are the different stick handling techniques in inline hockey?

You’ve learned the importance of understanding your hockey stick and using body movements for better control.

We’ve dived into advanced techniques like toe drags, forehand side control, and backhand puck-handling skills that can take your game to another level.

The power of regular practice through essential drills even in limited spaces or off-ice has been emphasized.

Hand-eye coordination’s critical role in mastering these techniques shouldn’t be underestimated either.

Remember, keeping opponents guessing with deceptive moves adds an extra edge to your gameplay.

If you’re passionate about further improving your inline hockey skills, World Inline Hockey is here to help! 

We provide valuable information for both beginners looking to learn the basics and experienced players aiming for excellence. Visit our website, where we’ll guide you on this exciting journey!