Perfecting Your Game: How to Lace Inline Hockey Skates

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Welcome to World Inline Hockey! This blog post will teach you how to lace inline hockey skates. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player looking for tips on achieving the perfect fit with your hockey skate laces, this guide is for you.

The Importance of Proper Lacing

Knowing how to lace inline hockey skates properly can significantly improve your performance and comfort during games. 

The right laces tight around your feet will reduce slippage and ensure optimal forward flex while skating. If not snugly tightened, loose laces don’t hold tightness well enough and may cause issues like “lace bite,” which can hinder both back skating and forward movements.

Choosing the Right Laces

The first step in learning how to tie hockey skates is choosing proper laces. Standard rope laces are often used by beginners due to their affordability but they lack durability compared with waxed laces. Waxed laces provide better grip that helps maintain tension throughout the game – making them popular among seasoned players.

Tying Your Skates: Step-by-Step Guide

To start off, thread each end of your chosen lace diagonally through the lower pair of eyelets (holes) from inside outwards until it’s even at both ends. This ensures that when tied correctly, pressure is evenly distributed across foot width – particularly beneficial for those with wide feet.

Continue threading upwards using lock-lacing method; skipping every other eyelet pair creates loops where subsequent ones pass through securing them tightly against slipping.

Once all eyelets have been threaded appropriately following this unique pattern known as lock-lace technique (also called heel-lock), pull firmly ensuring each section remains securely fastened before moving onto next one until reaching topmost part where final knot secures everything in place.

Remember, the aim is to have your skate feeling snug but not too tight. It’s a delicate balance that will improve with practice and experience. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right on the first try!

Over Crisscross Lacing Technique

If you’re an aggressive back skating player, the over crisscross lacing technique might be your best bet.

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This method provides a tighter fit than its under crisscross counterpart and offers more security for intense play.

The Process of Over Crisscross Lacing

To start with this lacing hockey skates method, begin from the bottom eyelet pair and lace diagonally upwards.

Unlike the under criss-cross where you thread each lace underneath to create ‘X’ shapes, here you will go over creating visible crosses on top of your skate boot.

Better Hold for Aggressive Play

The advantage is that it gives a secure hold ideal for players who are into rigorous back skating or those needing their laces tight during gameplay.

Research suggests that this type of knotting reduces slippage which can greatly improve performance in fast-paced games.

Maintaining Tightness Throughout The Game

A common issue many players face is loosening up mid-game because they don’t hold tightness properly when tying initially.

In such cases, using waxed laces provide better grip compared to standard rope ones as they tend not to loosen up easily.

Double-Cross Lacing Technique

If you’re looking for a lacing method that offers an even more secure hold and tighter fit, consider the double-cross technique.

This is especially beneficial if your hockey skates tend to slip during forward flex movements in the game. The double-cross lacing not only ensures your foot stays firmly in place but also helps maintain balance while enhancing performance.

How Does Double-Cross Lacing Work?

The process involves creating two crosses with each lace diagonally across every eyelet pair on your skate. This pattern reinforces tightness and reduces slippage significantly compared to other methods like under or over crisscross techniques.

Benefits of Double Cross Laces Tight Method

Apart from offering superior grip, this technique can be particularly helpful if you have narrow feet or prefer a snugly tightened feel when skating. It provides excellent support without causing discomfort often associated with overly tight laces.

In addition, using waxed laces provide added benefits as they don’t hold looseness easily due to their inherent properties which make them stickier than standard rope ones. Waxing advantages explained here.

Lock Lacing Method for Wide Feet

If you’re an inline hockey player with wide feet or using oversized skates, finding the right lacing technique can be a game-changer. The lock lacing method is your best bet.

This particular method helps keep your foot snugly tightened in place without causing discomfort known as lace bite. It’s designed to distribute pressure evenly across the width of your foot, enhancing comfort and reducing slippage during play.

Preventing Lace Bite with Lock Lacing

Lace bite is a common issue among players who tie their hockey skate laces too tight. This condition results from excessive pressure on the top of the foot which can lead to pain and inflammation that hinders performance on ice.

The beauty of lock lacing lies in its ability to provide secure fit while avoiding undue stress points along your feet thus preventing lace bite effectively. Here is how it works: instead of crossing over after each eyelet pair like traditional methods, this approach involves looping through same side eyelets before crossing over creating ‘locks’ at strategic intervals providing enhanced grip where needed most – ideal for those wide-footed warriors out there.

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Partial Lacing Method For Enhanced Ankle Mobility

The partial lacing method is a unique technique that can significantly impact your performance in inline hockey.

This approach involves intentionally leaving out either the lower pair or upper pair of eyelet pairs during the tying process, thereby creating more room for ankle mobility.

Benefits of Partial Lacing

If you’re an inline hockey player who requires greater flexibility while playing, this could be your go-to lacing method.

The increased freedom it provides allows for swift changes in direction and speed – crucial aspects when skating aggressively on the rink.

When to Use This Technique?

You might wonder if this strategy suits everyone or specific players only? The answer lies within each individual’s comfort zone and play style.

It suggests experimenting with different techniques until finding what works best.

Maintaining Safety With Partial Laces Tightened Skates

  1. Ensure snugly tightened fit: Despite omitting some eyelets, ensure remaining ones are securely fastened to avoid slippage.
  2. Carefully choose which eyelets to leave unlaced: If you have wide feet, consider leaving lower pairs; if not use discretion based on personal comfort levels.
  3. Avoid lace bite by ensuring pressure distribution across foot remains balanced despite missing lacings.

Now that we’ve covered various methods including standard crisscrossing techniques through lock lacing method up till now let’s move onto common mistakes made while tying skates so as not just enhance our skate feeling but also prevent any potential injuries from improper practices.

Common Mistakes While Tying Hockey Skates

Lacing hockey skates may seem straightforward, but it’s easy to make mistakes that can affect your performance on the rink.

Mistake 1: Incorrect Tightness

One common mistake is lacing your skates too tightly or loosely. Overly tight laces can restrict blood flow and cause numbness, while loose laces don’t provide enough support for proper forward flex movements.

Mistake 2: Using Improper Laces

Another error lies in using improper laces. Both waxed and non-waxed varieties have their benefits; however, choosing incorrectly could lead to issues like reduced slippage control with standard rope laces or a lack of flexibility with waxed ones.

Tips To Avoid These Mistakes:

  1. To avoid incorrect tightness, ensure your foot feels snugly tightened without discomfort when you lace diagonally across each eyelet pair.
  2. If you’re unsure which type of lace to use, remember that waxed laces provide better hold, especially useful if your feet tend towards slipping inside the skate.
The Importance Of Checking Your Laced Skates Before Play:

Finally, always check whether they hold tightness properly before starting a game. This step will help prevent injuries caused by unexpected looseness during playtime.

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Maintaining Your Hockey Skate Laces

Proper care of your hockey skate laces can significantly extend their lifespan and maintain optimal performance.

The first step in maintenance is regular inspection for wear and tear. Look out for fraying, loose threads or signs of breakage on the laces.

Cleaning Your Hockey Skate Laces

Hockey skates often get dirty due to dust, sweat, and grime from rinks. Regular cleaning ensures they remain strong while preventing unpleasant odors.

To clean them effectively:

  1. Remove the laces from your skates after each game or practice session.
  2. Create a solution using warm water mixed with mild soap or laundry detergent.
  3. Soak the laces in this solution for about 15 minutes then gently scrub off any dirt spots using an old toothbrush.
  4. Rinse thoroughly under running water until all soap suds are gone; remember that residual soap may attract more dirt later on.
  5. Lay flat to dry naturally away from direct sunlight which could weaken material fibers over time.

Avoiding Common Mistakes During Maintenance

Beware of common mistakes such as machine washing waxed laces – it will strip off their wax coating rendering them less effective at holding tightness during games. Instead opt for handwashing these types if necessary following guidelines mentioned above.

Another mistake involves drying lace too quickly like by placing near heat sources (e.g., radiators) – doing so might cause shrinkage leading eventually to poor fit when reinserted into eyelets.

Lastly never ignore minor damage thinking it’s insignificant; even small fray points could soon lead towards complete breakages at most inconvenient times thus compromising safety mid-game.

FAQs in Relation to How to Lace Inline Hockey Skate

How do you lace inline hockey skates?

Lacing inline hockey skates involves choosing the right type of laces, using a preferred technique such as under crisscross or over crisscross, and ensuring proper tightness for optimal performance.

How should hockey skates be laced?

Hockey skates should be laced tightly enough to provide support but not so tight that they cause discomfort. The method used can vary based on personal preference and foot shape.

How do pros lace their skates?

Professional players often use techniques like double-cross or lock lacing for a secure fit. They also prefer waxed laces which hold better than non-waxed ones.

Does it matter how you lace skates?

Absolutely. How you lace your skate impacts comfort, mobility, and performance during play. Different methods cater to various needs such as wide feet or enhanced ankle flexibility.


Mastering how to lace inline hockey skates is a game-changer. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between comfort and performance.

You’ve explored the importance of properly tied skates, understanding their impact on your game and safety.

The choice between waxed or non-waxed laces can be pivotal to your skating experience. Each type has its own advantages and drawbacks, suiting various player requirements.

We delved into various lacing techniques like under-crisscross, over-crisscross, double-cross, lock lacing for wide feet, and partial lacing for enhanced ankle mobility. All these methods offer unique benefits tailored to specific playing styles.

Avoiding common mistakes while tying up those boots is crucial too! Remember not too tight or loose – it has to be just right!

Maintenance? Yes! Your skate’s best friend is regular checks for wear & tear plus cleaning when needed.

Ready to take this newfound knowledge out onto the rink? 

At World Inline Hockey, we’re here every step (or glide) of the way. Whether you’re a beginner looking for basics or an experienced player aiming higher in inline hockey – our resources are designed with you in mind. 

So why wait? Lace up those skates perfectly using what you learned today from World Inline Hockey!