Determining How Long Should Your Inline Hockey Stick Be

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Deciding how long should your inline hockey stick be can feel like a daunting task.

The reality is, when it comes to perfecting their game, many players’ top challenge is…

Finding the right length for their hockey stick.

This seemingly small detail could make or break your performance on the rink. Figuring out the correct length of a hockey stick may be difficult, but not understanding how to do so could prevent you from reaching your peak as an athlete.

Selecting the ideal length of a hockey stick isn’t easy, folks.

Consider one enthusiastic player who shared with me that he struggled with controlling his puck because his stick was too long for him.

Now he’s hesitant about buying another one and fears that this setback will hinder his progress in inline hockey.

Understanding Hockey Stick Sizes

If you’re new to the world of inline hockey, one thing that might surprise you is how many different sizes there are when it comes to senior sticks, intermediate sticks, junior sticks, and youth sticks.

The size stick used can significantly impact your puck handling skills and overall performance on the rink.

Differentiating Between Senior, Intermediate, Junior, And Youth Sticks:

Senior hockey stick length, typically suitable for players aged 14 and above or adults over five feet seven inches tall, have a larger shaft circumference with a flex rating ranging from about 75 to 110.

In contrast, intermediate hockey stick sizing tends to be ideal for those in their early teens (ages 10-15) or adult female players who stand between four foot eight inches and five foot nine inches tall. These often come with smaller shaft circumferences compared to senior models while featuring lower flex numbers around 60-75.

Moving down further in age groupings, we find junior-sized wood hockey sticks suitable for ages seven through twelve years old, standing between three foot ten inches to four-foot-nine-inch height range and having even more narrow shaft dimensions along with softer flex ratings generally falling within the forty-five-fifty-five range. 

Finally, at the youngest end of the spectrum lie youth variants specifically designed for kids aged four to eight, offering the smallest possible measurements in terms of diameter and flexibility, making them the perfect choice for beginners just starting their journey into sport. 

So remember, choosing the right sized equipment not only ensures better control but also helps prevent injuries, ensuring an enjoyable, safe play experience at all times. 

Now, the next step is understanding what role ‘flex’ actually plays. 

Let’s dive deeper into our upcoming section, discussing the importance of decoding Flex Rating.

Decoding the Flex Rating

The flex rating of a hockey stick is an essential factor to consider when choosing your equipment. But what exactly does it mean?

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In simple terms, the flex rating represents how much force in pounds (lbs) you need to bend the shaft one inch.

A higher number indicates a stiffer stick, while lower numbers are more flexible. For example, if your hockey stick has a flex rating of 85, that means it takes 85 lbs of pressure to bend the shaft one inch.

Finding Your Ideal Flex Number

Determining your ideal flex number depends on various factors such as weight and playing style.

  • If you’re lighter or prefer quick wrist shots over slap shots, go for lower-numbered (junior sticks) or intermediate sticks with less stiffness for better puck speed control.
  • If you’re heavier or rely heavily on powerful slap shots and long passes during games (intermediate sticks, senior), opt for higher-numbered composite sticks which provide stability but require greater strength to maneuver effectively.

The Role Of Stick Length In Determining The Right Flex Rating

Your chosen proper length also plays into this equation. A shorter cut can increase stiffness because there’s less material available to absorb impact from each shot – meaning even youth players might benefit from opting for wood hockey sticks with slightly increased flexibility ratings compared to their standard-size counterparts. 

On the contrary side, though, longer lengths offer decreased resistance due primarily to being able to distribute load across a larger surface area, thereby reducing overall stress placed upon individual segments within the structure itself. 

This makes them particularly suitable choices amongst taller individuals seeking to maximize both reach advantage alongside maintaining an optimal balance between power delivery versus ease manipulation during gameplay scenarios where precision timing often proves a critical success determinant factor.

It is important to remember to try out different combinations until you find the perfect match that suits your personal preferences, physical attributes, and intended usage scenario. 

This will ensure that you have the best experience possible when spending time on the rink. Take your time and experiment before making a final purchase decision for maximum enjoyment.

The Importance of Kick Point

Understanding the role of a hockey stick’s kick point is crucial for any inline hockey player, regardless if they’re a beginner or experienced. 

The kick point can significantly impact your puck speed and handling abilities.

A senior stick, with its longer length, might have a different kick point compared to shorter sticks like junior or youth sticks. 

It’s not just about size; it’s also about playing style and shot type preference.

Mid-to-High vs Low Kick Points

In general terms, mid-to-high kick points are suitable for players who prefer slap shots and powerful passes. 

These types of kicks allow you to leverage more power from the shaft when shooting – increasing puck speed dramatically.

In contrast, low-kick points found in some composite sticks such as CCM Ribcor Stick’s low-kick-point design are ideal for wrist shots and agile puck handling skills. They keep the puck closer to your body allowing quick releases that catch goalies off guard.

Exploring Different Brands’ Kick Points

Each brand has unique features that cater differently depending on personal preferences.

Brand A, known for their lower flex profile near blade region help enhance quick release shots while Brand B, with ribbed shaft technology provide an excellent feel throughout all kinds of play situations.

On the other hand, brands like Brand C offer variable options so you could choose what best fits your game style.

With this understanding under our belt we move onto another important factor – grip versus non-grip hockey sticks. 

How do these affect performance? Let us explore next.

Grip vs Non-Grip Hockey Sticks

When it comes to choosing a hockey stick, the decision between grip and non-grip variants can be pivotal.

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The type of finish on your senior sticks, intermediate sticks, or even youth versions significantly impacts puck handling and overall playing style.

The Grip Factor: Enhanced Control at Your Fingertips?

A grip-coated hockey stick offers players an enhanced hold during gameplay.

This sticky texture is designed for better control when executing shots, passes, and maneuvers with the puck closer to their body.

In wet conditions or high-intensity games where palms get sweaty, this added friction could prove beneficial in maintaining proper length contact with the stick shaft.

Non-Grip Finishes: A Smooth Operator’s Choice?

In contrast, non-grip (or clear) finishes offer smoothness that allows easy hand movement along the shaft.

This feature favors quick adjustments in hand positioning—a factor crucial for agile skaters who frequently shift from shorter sticks use (for close-quarters combat) to full-length utilization for slap shots.

Certain brands like Bauer also provide matte options that strike a balance between both world’s offering slight tackiness without hindering mobility. Bauer Vapor FlyLite Mini Stick.

Tape It Up: Customizing The Feel Of Your Stick Handle Description 4:

Haven’t you found your perfect fit yet? 

Don’t fret. 

With some good old-fashioned hockey tape you can customize any wood hockey sticks’ feel according to personal preference regardless of its original finish.

This way whether you prefer more slide or extra grippiness – you’re always just one wrap away. 

Remember though – while customization provides flexibility; understanding inherent characteristics helps make informed decisions initially.

Mastering Blade Features

The blade of your senior stick, or any other size stick, is a crucial part of the hockey stick that greatly influences puck handling and shooting accuracy.

Blade Curve Types

Different curve types offer distinct advantages on the rink.

  • A mid-curve can provide better control for beginners and versatile players who alternate between backhand and forehand shots.
  • An open face curve enhances lift on slap shots, ideal for those aiming to increase their shot elevation quickly.
  • Closed curves are favored by defensive players due to its flat design which aids in blocking passes effectively.

Finding Your Ideal Blade Flex Rating

In addition to proper length, understanding flex rating is equally important when selecting a blade.

  1. If you’re someone with powerful wrist strength going for high-speed slap shots, opt for blades with higher flex numbers as they are stiffer.
  2. A lower number indicates more flexibility; suitable if you prefer quick-release snapshots over forceful hits.

Making The Choice Between Composite Sticks And Wood Hockey Sticks

Your choice between composite or wood hockey sticks will also impact how well you handle the puck closer during playtime.

  • Heralded as traditional classics, wood hockey sticks have been known to give excellent feel while playing but might lack durability compared to modern composites.
  • Newer composite models, catered towards enhancing performance features like weight balance, flexibility, and kick points, may be worth considering if advanced game-play dynamics interest you.Selecting an optimal blend of these characteristics based on personal preference & playing style helps enhance overall performance significantly. As we transition into our next section, let’s focus on adjusting your chosen dimensions to suit individual needs ideally.

Adjusting Your Hockey Stick Length

The proper length of your hockey stick is a crucial factor that can significantly influence your playing style and puck-handling abilities.

This aspect, often overlooked by beginner inline hockey players, deserves careful attention as it directly impacts your control over the puck and ultimately affects your game performance.

Finding The Right Size Stick

To find the right size stick for you, stand in your skates or shoes with one end of the stick on the ground between them while holding onto its other end.

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If it reaches somewhere between your chin and nose without any inch cut off from its original length – congratulations. You’ve found appropriately sized senior sticks or intermediate sticks depending upon age group category.

Longer vs Shorter Sticks: Pros & Cons

A longer hockey stick gives more reach which may be beneficial when blocking shots but could compromise close-range puck control due to increased distance from player’s body to blade tip.

In contrast, shorter sticks bring benefits like keeping puck closer during play enhancing maneuverability especially within tight spaces making them preferable choice among many experienced inline players.

Tweaking Your Hockey Stick Length Based On Playing Style And Position:

Your position on field also plays role in determining ideal stick length.

Defensive players usually prefer slightly longer shafts providing additional range whereas forwards might opt for shorter ones offering better agility during quick turns & sprints.

Maintaining Balance Between Flex Rating And Shaft Length:

Cutting down too much off a composite sticks’ top will increase flex rating affecting slap shots power negatively hence maintaining balance here becomes essential part of achieving optimal performance levels out there on rink.

Key Takeaway: 

Discover the factors that determine how long your inline hockey stick should be. 

Find the right size stick by measuring from your chin to nose, and consider the pros and cons of longer vs shorter sticks. 

Adjust your stick length based on playing style and position, while maintaining a balance between flex rating and shaft length for optimal performance.

FAQs in Relation to How Long Should Your Inline Hockey Stick Be

How many inches should my hockey stick be?

The length of your hockey stick depends on your height. Typically, when standing in socks, the top of the shaft should reach between your chin and nose.

How do you pick a hockey stick length?

Selecting a hockey stick length involves considering player’s height, playing style and position. A general rule is to have it reach from the floor to between your chin and nose while wearing skates.

Is it better to have a longer or shorter hockey stick?

A longer stick provides more reach for defense and poke checking, whereas a shorter one offers better control for quick maneuvers like puck handling and shooting.

Can a hockey stick be too long?

Yes, an excessively long hockey stick can hinder mobility, accuracy in shots/passing, as well as overall control over the puck.


In the world of inline hockey, understanding how long your hockey stick should be is vital for optimum performance. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, selecting the right size stick can significantly enhance puck speed and handling.

The proper hockey stick length largely depends on your height and playing style. For instance, defensive players often opt for longer sticks to boost their reach while offensive players prefer shorter sticks to keep the puck closer during quick maneuvers.

Hockey stick sizing varies across different types – youth sticks are designed for young beginners whereas junior sticks are slightly larger catering to older kids. Intermediate sticks bridge the gap between junior and senior sizes, with senior sticks being tailored for adult players.

Beyond just length, it’s important also consider other factors like flex rating which represents stiffness of a stick shaft. A lower flex number means more bend in each shot boosting slap shots power but requiring more strength; conversely higher numbers offer less flexibility improving accuracy but reducing shot force.

Materials used also play a crucial role in determining proper length – wood hockey sticks tend to be heavier hence may require an inch cut off from standard lengths as compared to lighter composite ones. Additionally, the kick point location affects shooting dynamics: ribcor stick’s low kick point aids quicker release shots making them ideal for close-quarter battles whereas mid/high-kick points favor powerful distant strikes.

To summarize, choosing how long your inline hockey stick should be involves carefully considering various aspects including personal preference & position played besides basic physical attributes such as height & weight. Remember that ultimately comfortability matters most – if it feels good in hand then chances are it will perform well on rink too!

Whether you’re just starting out or already an experienced player, World Inline Hockey provides the resources and advice needed to reach your goals.

Join us at World Inline Hockey, where we help players like yourself understand how long should your inline hockey stick be, along with other essential tips that will take your skills to new heights.

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