What Kind of Stick for Roller Hockey: A Comprehensive Guide

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Deciding what kind of stick for roller hockey can be a challenging task.

Indeed, when it’s time to level up your game, the #1 question is…

What kind of stick for roller hockey?

You may feel lost in the sea of options – wooden sticks, composite ones, different flexes and blade patterns. But this decision separates the casual player from the true enthusiast. Not knowing how to pick intelligently based on your style and necessities will impede you from attaining the highest level of success.

Choosing the Right Size Stick for Roller Hockey

If you’re new to roller hockey, selecting the right size stick can seem daunting.

Still, comprehending a handful of key elements can make this process simpler and more successful.

Senior Sticks Vs Junior Sticks

The first factor to consider is your height.

In general, senior sticks are designed for adult players who are taller while junior sticks cater to younger or smaller players.

provides valuable insights into making an informed decision.

Difference in Length Between Ice Hockey and Roller Hockey Sticks

An important aspect that many beginner inline hockey players overlook is that roller hockey sticks tend to be shorter than ice hockey ones.

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This difference in length could significantly affect control during gameplay.

NHL Players’ Influence On Amateur Choices?


A lot of amateur players look up to NHL stars when it comes their equipment choices including stick lengths as revealed by some NHL pros themselves.

The Importance of Stick Flex in Roller Hockey

Stick flex is a crucial aspect to consider when selecting your roller hockey stick. It’s the measure of how much force, usually measured in pounds, it takes for the shaft to bend one inch.

Finding Your Ideal Flex Rating

A higher flex number indicates more flexibility and less stiffness – ideal for players who prioritize quick wrist shots or passes over hard slapshots. Conversely, lower numbers mean stiffer sticks that can withstand powerful hits but may compromise on maneuverability.

This concept isn’t just theoretical; NHL players have their preferences too. For instance, Wayne Gretzky reportedly used a whippy 65-70 flex stick, while Zdeno Chara opts for an ultra-stiff 150.

Balancing Power and Control with Medium Flex Sticks

If you’re unsure about which end of the spectrum suits you best, medium flex sticks offer a balance between power and control. They are popular among both beginner inline hockey players as well as experienced ones due to this versatility.

Your playing style also plays into this decision: defensemen often favor stiffer (lower) ratings because they frequently take long-range slapshots whereas forwards might prefer greater (higher) flexibility since they need quicker releases during close-quarters play.

There’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution here – experiment until you find what works best for your game.

In our next section we will delve deeper into another critical component – blade patterns or curves.

Selecting Your Stick Based on Kick Point

When choosing a roller hockey stick, understanding the concept of kick point is crucial. The phrase ‘kick point’ indicates the area of your stick that bends when you take a shot.

The Impact of Low and High Kick Points

A low kick point provides quick releases, making it ideal for players who need to get shots off rapidly in close quarters or while in motion. These sticks are popular among forwards because they allow for swift puck handling and rapid-fire shooting.

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In contrast, high kick points offer powerful shots perfect for defensemen taking big slapshots from the blue line. They require more energy to load but result in harder hits due their stiffer design near the blade.

Finding Your Ideal Flex Profile

Your choice between low or high kick points should align with your playing style and position within inline hockey games. If you’re someone who often takes snapshots or wrist shots during fast-paced gameplay situations, then a lower-kick-point stick might be better suited for you.

can help inform this decision.

In our next section we will discuss an equally important aspect: whether to choose left-handed or right-handed sticks.

Left-handed or Right-handed Stick?

Figuring out whether you require a left-handed or right-handed stick in roller hockey can be tricky.

This decision isn’t necessarily based on your dominant hand, as some might assume. Instead, it’s about comfort and control when playing hockey.

Finding Your Comfort Zone

The best way to determine the appropriate stick orientation is by trying out both options during practice sessions. The one that feels more natural and allows for better puck handling should be your choice.

In fact, many NHL players choose their stick side this way rather than sticking strictly to their handedness.

A Matter of Control

Your top hand will do most of the work controlling the stick, so consider which arm has stronger wrist movements.

If you’re right-hand dominant but find that using a lefty gives you greater control over street hockey sticks while playing inline hockey, then go with what works best for you.

Grip vs Non-Grip Finish

When selecting a roller hockey stick, the finish on the shaft is an important factor to consider.

A grip or non-grip finish offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider this factor when selecting a roller hockey stick.

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The Grip Finish: A Closer Look

A grip finish offers added control for players during their games of inline hockey.

The texture helps prevent slipping even when hands are sweaty.

Some sticks, such as certain models from Bauer or CCM, provide enhanced handling that many experienced NHL players prefer.

The Non-Grip (or Smooth) Finish Explained

In contrast to grips finishes, smooth finished sticks offer quicker hand movements along the shaft due to less friction.

This feature makes them popular among some adult players who value speed over maximum control in their playing style.

Moving forward from understanding about different types of finishes on your potential new stick,

We’ll now explore what kind of roller hockey sticks work best for asphalt play – another key consideration before making your purchase decision.

FAQs in Relation to What Kind of Stick for Roller Hockey

Can I use an ice hockey stick for roller hockey?

Yes, you can use an ice hockey stick for roller hockey. However, the blade may wear out faster on harder surfaces like asphalt or concrete.

Can you use a street hockey stick for roller hockey?

Absolutely. Street hockey sticks are designed to withstand rougher surfaces and can be used effectively in roller hockey games.

What is the difference between roller hockey and ice hockey stick?

The main difference lies in the blades; ice-hockey sticks have sharper blades suited to glide on ice while those of roller-hockey sticks are more durable to handle hard surfaces.

How do you know what hockey stick to use?

Your choice depends on factors such as your height, playing position, comfort level with flex and kick point of the stick, and whether you play right-handed or left-handed.


What kind of stick for roller hockey?

Choosing the right stick for roller hockey isn’t as daunting as it seems.

You’ve learned about different types of sticks, their pros and cons, and how to select based on your unique needs.

We’ve covered everything from size selection to understanding flexes, blade patterns or curves, kick points and grip finishes.

Remember that comfort is key when deciding between a left-handed or right-handed stick.

The best choice ultimately depends on factors like your playing surface (like asphalt), personal budget, brand reputation and material quality.

If you’re still feeling unsure…

No worries!

World Inline Hockey is here to help guide you through every step of your inline hockey journey – whether you’re just starting out or aiming for the big leagues. 

Take your game to the next level with World Inline Hockey’s resources – from beginner basics to expert tips! So why wait? Start exploring our website, pick out that perfect roller hockey stick and get ready to dominate the rink!