Roller Hockey: What Size Shin Guards Do You Really Need?

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Choosing the right size of roller hockey shin guards can feel like a daunting task.

In fact, when it comes to gearing up for the game, their #1 challenge is…

Finding the perfect fit for roller hockey shin guards.

Many players are clueless about how to do it. But this is what separates an amateur from a professional player. If you don’t know how to select the right equipment, you’ll never reach your full potential on the rink.

The Importance of Shin Guards in Hockey

Shin guards are a critical piece of equipment for any hockey player, whether they’re on the ice or rollerblading around an inline rink.

Pucks can fly up to 100 mph in professional games, and even at lower speeds in amateur matches, a direct hit to the shin without proper protection could result in serious injury.

Safeguarding Shins and Lower Legs

Hockey shin guards serve as your first line of defense against these high-speed projectiles. They not only cover your shins but also wrap around to protect the sides of your calves.

This comprehensive coverage ensures that no matter how you move on skates or what angle a puck comes from; you have some level of protection.

Avoid Injuries with Proper Equipment

In addition to protecting against pucks, properly sized shin guards help prevent injuries during collisions with other players or falls onto hard surfaces like ice or asphalt.

Hence, understanding adult hockey shin pad sizes becomes important.

In our next section we’ll dive into specifics about sizing this vital piece of protective gear – helping you find proper sizing guidelines so you get it just right.

Understanding Hockey Shin Guard Sizing

Choosing the right size for your hockey shin guards is crucial to ensure optimal protection and comfort during play.

The sizing of these essential pieces of equipment depends on several factors, including a player’s height and leg measurements. One key measurement to consider when determining the correct hockey shin guard sizes is the distance from the top of your skate boot to mid-knee cap.

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The Role of Personal Preference in Sizing Shin Guards

Your personal preference also plays an important role in finding properly sized shin guards. While some players prefer longer pads that provide more coverage, others may opt for shorter ones offering greater mobility.

A well-fitted pair should not expose any part of your knee or ankle; it should cover this area completely while allowing comfortable movement.

For further guidance on how you can find proper sizing guidelines based on individual needs, refer to this comprehensive shin guard size chart.

The Anatomy of Hockey Shin Guards

When it comes to hockey shin guards, understanding their anatomy is crucial.

Modern hockey shin guards are more than just a piece of plastic strapped onto your leg; they consist of six main parts designed for optimal protection and comfort during play.

Knee Cap Protector and Upper Knee Flap

The knee cap protector shields the most vulnerable part – the kneecap. It’s usually made from hard plastic or composite material that can withstand high-impact collisions with pucks or other players’ skates.

Above this sits the upper knee flap which provides additional coverage to prevent injuries caused by direct hits above the knee joint. This feature is especially important in ice hockey where puck speeds can reach up to 100 mph.

Calf Protector and Shell

Moving down, we find another essential component: The calf protector. Designed as an adjustable strap system around your lower leg, its primary role is preventing damage from slashes behind you while offering some flexibility for better mobility on skates.

This protective layer complements perfectly with shell – outermost section covering front side providing overall resistance against impacts & abrasions throughout game.

Popular Brands Offering Quality Hockey Shin Guards.

Warrior is a brand that focuses on providing fierce protection for every player on the ice.

Their hockey shin guards are designed with advanced technologies to absorb impact and provide maximum coverage.

Easton: Innovation and Performance

Easton is known for its innovative approach to hockey equipment, and their shin guards are no exception.

With features like lightweight construction and customizable fit, Easton shin guards offer both performance and comfort.

Common Questions About Hockey Shin Guards

Even experienced players may have questions about their hockey gear, particularly regarding the best way to clean and tape shin guards for an ideal fit.

One of the most frequently asked queries revolves around how to properly clean and tape shin guards for optimal fit during gameplay.

Cleaning Your Shin Guards

Hockey is an intense sport that can lead to sweaty equipment after each game. offers practical tips such as washing them in a gentle cycle with cold water using mild detergent. The key is then letting them air-dry rather than subjecting them to potentially damaging heat from dryers.

Taping Your Shin Guards Securely

To ensure secure fitting during play, taping your shin guards correctly is essential. In short: start at the bottom near ankle area & wrap upwards ensuring overlap till you reach top just below knee cap.

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After exploring these common concerns about, we hope this section has provided some valuable insights.

Materials Used in Modern Hockey Shin Guards

In the world of roller hockey, modern shin guards are crafted from a variety of materials to ensure player safety and durability.

The primary material used is often composite plastics. Hockey shin guards made with this lightweight yet sturdy material offer excellent protection against high-speed pucks that can reach up to 100 mph on ice.

Fiberglass is another common component found in today’s shin guard designs. This robust substance provides additional strength without adding significant weight, making it an ideal choice for players who prioritize mobility on the rink.

Polyurethane: A Key Material In Shin Guard Construction

A third crucial element you’ll find in many modern hockey shin guards is polyurethane. Known for its flexibility and impact resistance, polyurethane serves as an effective buffer between your shins and any potential threats during gameplay.

This blend of materials results not only in durable gear but also contributes significantly towards protecting players’ lower legs from serious injuries while ensuring they stay comfortable throughout their games or practice sessions.

How Different Fit Profiles Cater To Playing Styles

Different players require different levels of comfort and fit when it comes to shin guards.

Variety in Shin Guard Fit Profiles

The industry has responded by offering various fit profiles for modern hockey shin guards.

This includes traditional, contoured, and tapered designs.

A traditional profile typically offers more room around the leg for those who prefer a loose feel or wear additional protective gear underneath.

The contoured design is more snug with less volume around the knee and lower leg area – ideal if you value mobility over coverage.

Tapered models offer something between these two extremes: they start wider at the top but become narrower towards your ankle providing both protection & flexibility.

Fitting Your Shin Guards Over or Under Skate Tongue

Your choice on whether to wear your shin guard over or under your skate tongue can also affect comfortability during play.

If worn above, the upper knee flap protects better against direct impacts while allowing greater range motion. On the contrary, if placed below, the skate’s tongue provides an extra layer padding adding stability yet may limit movement slightly.

Making The Right Choice For You

The best way to find proper sizing guidelines that work for you is to try out each style to see which feels most comfortable and secure whilst maintaining the necessary level of protection. Remember: safety always comes first. Stay tuned to the next section, where we will discuss how to ensure perfect fit and maximum safeguarding.

Ensuring Proper Fit For Maximum Protection

The key to maximum protection in roller hockey lies not only in choosing quality shin guards, but also ensuring they fit properly.

Your knee should sit directly at the center of the knee donut and there shouldn’t be any gaps between your skate tongue and lower leg.

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Finding The Right Size Shin Guard

A Bauer Hockey Shin Guard Sizing Chart, CCM Hockey Shin Guard Sizing Chart, and Warrior Hockey Shin Guard Sizing Chart can help you find proper sizing guidelines for adult hockey shin pad sizes. These charts are based on the player’s height and offer a reliable way to size shin guards properly.

Maintaining A Secure Fit During Playtime

To prevent your shin guards from shifting during play, it’s crucial that they’re secured tightly against your legs. Taping can be a great help wLearn how to tape hockey equipment correctly herehen it comes to keeping shin guards in place during play.

  1. Tape around the top of each guard just below the knee cap – this prevents downward slippage.
  2. Tape across middle portion near calf area – this secures upper flap & adds stability.

Remember: while tape does secure gear, it doesn’t replace importance of right-sized equipment.

Maintaining Your Hockey Shin Guards

Proper maintenance of your hockey shin guards is crucial for their longevity and performance.

The first step in this process involves cleaning them regularly to remove sweat, dirt, and bacteria that can cause unpleasant odors or degrade the material over time.

Cleaning Techniques

Is it okay to put shin guards in a washing machine? The answer is yes. Just make sure you use cold water on a gentle cycle and avoid using bleach or fabric softener as these can damage the materials.

Taping Methods Using Sock Tape

To ensure secure fit during play, taping your shin guard with sock tape is recommended after putting them on. This helps keep everything snugly in place while allowing for necessary mobility. Learn how to tape hockey equipment correctly here.

Damage Prevention Strategies

Avoiding unnecessary rough handling off the rink also contributes significantly towards preventing damages such as cracks or tears which could compromise protection levels offered by modern ice hockey shin guards.

FAQs in Relation to Roller Hockey Size Shin Guards

How do I know what size shin guard I need?

The correct shin guard size is determined by measuring the distance from the center of your knee cap to the top of your skate boot. Refer to a hockey shin guard sizing chart for accurate measurements.

Does it matter what size shin guard you get?

Absolutely, getting the right sized shin guards ensures maximum protection and comfort during play. Ill-fitted ones can expose your knees or ankles, increasing risk of injury.

How do you size a hockey shinguard?

You measure from the middle of your kneecap down to where the skates meet your leg. This measurement corresponds with specific sizes on a hockey shinguard sizing chart.

How do I know if my hockey shin guards are too big?

If there’s any gap between your skate tongue and lower leg or if they’re restricting movement due to excess length, then they might be too big. The knee should sit directly at center of knee donut in properly fitted guards.


Roller hockey is a thrilling sport, but it’s essential to gear up right.

The size of your shin guards matters more than you might think.

You’ve learned that the perfect fit isn’t just about height, but also personal preference and playing style.

Your knee should sit comfortably in the center of the guard, with no gaps between your skate tongue and lower leg.

Different brands offer different benefits; Bauer, CCM, Warrior – each has its unique strengths.

Maintenance can prolong their lifespan; clean them regularly and tape them securely for optimal performance.

At World Inline Hockey, we’re passionate about helping players like you take their skills to new heights while ensuring safety on the rink. If you’re a novice or an experienced player wanting to raise your game, we have everything you need for roller hockey!

Remember: The right-sized shin guards are not just equipment – they’re part of what makes you a formidable force on wheels! Let us guide you towards making informed decisions so that every time you step onto the rink, it’s with confidence and peace of mind.