Is There Checking in Inline Hockey? A Player’s Guide

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Is there checking in inline hockey?

This is a question that leaves many on the fence.

Inline hockey, often seen as ice hockey’s less aggressive cousin, has its own set of rules and regulations. It’s not always clear-cut when it comes to physical contact in inline hockey.

The truth is, checking, or body contact with an opponent to gain possession of the puck, isn’t quite the same in inline hockey as it is in traditional ice hockey.

Inline Hockey vs Ice Hockey: A Comparison

If you’ve enjoyed hockey on the ice, it’s time to consider its roller counterpart – inline hockey. This sport shares many similarities with elite ice hockey but offers a safer alternative.

An inline game’s pace might surprise newer players who are used to playing on ice. Inline games tend to be faster due to less friction between wheels and surface compared with blades cutting into the icy surface in ice-hockey.

A significant difference lies in player interactions during gameplay. While watching big defencemen lay out full-on body checks is a common sight in professional ice-hockey leagues, such actions aren’t part of standard play within inline hockey.

Physicality Differences Between The Two Sports

In terms of physical contact, both sports are considered as ‘contact sports’, yet they vary greatly when it comes down specifics.

In contrast to some perceptions about roller or inline games being softer versions than their icy counterparts, these can actually get quite intense. But don’t worry – despite this intensity, safety remains paramount for participants at all levels from amateur leagues up through professional ranks.

As we delve deeper into how referees’ discretion plays a role here and explore other facets like illegal stick use such as hooking that often go unnoticed or unpenalized by referees, our understanding will become clearer.

The Rules of Inline Hockey

Inline hockey, a variant of roller hockey, offers an exhilarating blend of speed and skill. Yet, one aspect that often surprises newer inline players is the absence of body checking.

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In contrast to elite ice hockey where you might see a big defenceman lay out his opponent with a full-on body check, such maneuvers are not part-and-parcel in inline games. The game’s focus on agility over aggression means there’s less physical contact than what some ice-hockey veterans may be accustomed to.

Referee’s Discretion Plays A Significant Role

A key element in understanding why hitting or body checking isn’t allowed lies within how referees’ discretion plays into enforcing rules during matches.

Much like any other sport involving high-speed action, be it soccer or basketball, the referee’s judgment can significantly impact the flow and outcome of an inline match. They have the authority to penalize illegal checks which could potentially harm players or disrupt fair play.

No Room for Illegal Maneuvers

Slashing tripping – these actions are generally considered unsportsmanlike but sometimes go unnoticed by referees.

This does not mean they are acceptable; rather it highlights how fast-paced this sport can get making it challenging even for experienced officials to spot every single infringement instantly.

Despite being perceived as less violent compared to its icy counterpart due its no-check rule, remember: at heart inline hockey is still very much a contact sport.

The Physicality of Inline Hockey

Inline hockey, despite being a contact sport, isn’t as physically aggressive as one might think.

While it shares many similarities with ice hockey, the absence of full-on body checks often surprise newer inline players.

Pinning and Blocking in Inline Hockey

In roller hockey games, players tend to use their bodies strategically rather than aggressively, which is common in elite ice hockey leagues, doesn’t exist here.

Rather than seeing a big defenceman lay out an opponent who’s sprinting down the rink with his head down; you’re more likely to see two skaters racing side-by-side for control over a plastic puck.

Tactics Used by Players

A typical move involves obstructing an opponent’s path or blocking him from reaching the puck.

This could involve pinning your rival against boards while he possesses the puck but releasing him once he loses possession.

Cutting off opponents by forcing them into boards on another side can be seen too – however this isn’t considered illegal if done correctly.

Differentiating Between Legal and Illegal Checks

Illegal maneuvers like hooking and slashing may not always get penalized due to referees’ discretion.

In our next section we will delve deeper into these penalties associated with illegal checks that sometimes go unnoticed during intense matches.

Is Roller Hockey Violent?

The perception of roller hockey being violent can often be a deterrent for those interested in the sport. This misconception is primarily due to its similarity with ice hockey, where physical aggression and body checking are integral parts of gameplay.

See also  Exploring: What are the Basic Rules of Inline Hockey

In reality, roller hockey, including inline variant, offers an entirely different experience. Unlike elite ice-hockey players who engage in full-on body checks or big defenceman lay hits on opponents racing side-by-side, such actions aren’t part of the game here.

Pushing Limits in Roller Hockey

A unique aspect that might surprise newer inline players is how individuals push their limits within the rules. Some may attempt an illegal check early on as a strategic move while others employ aggressive tactics without resorting to violence.

This approach doesn’t make roller hockey violent; instead it adds another layer of strategy and competitiveness into this contact sport which has always been enjoyed by amateur leagues worldwide.

Understanding more about these strategies and techniques used by experienced skaters during games would require watching them firsthand or learning from seasoned coaches who have mastered this art over years playing at various levels themselves.

Equipment Used In Inline Hockey

The most noticeable change is swapping out razor-sharp blades for four-wheel skates. This alters your movement and significantly reduces the risk of injury associated with sharp blades. Inline-hockey equipment has been designed keeping player safety and comfort as a priority.

Safety Gear: Helmets, Pads and More

In addition to skates, protective gear plays an essential role in ensuring player safety during games. Full-face helmets are common among amateur leagues while elite ice hockey players may opt for half-visor ones depending upon their comfort level.

Knee pads and elbow guards help protect against falls which can be quite frequent given that he’s sprinting around at high speeds on wheels.

Gloves & Sticks: The Tools of Trade

Hockey gloves provide grip strength necessary when handling sticks – another crucial piece of equipment unique to each version of this contact sport. While illegal stick use like hooking remains a concern across both versions, it’s less prevalent in inline due to referees’ discretion playing a significant part in maintaining fair play.

The Plastic Puck: Unlike its rubber counterpart used by big defenceman lay heavy hits in ice-based matches, plastic pucks make up yet another aspect where roller differs from traditional forms. Plastic puck usage ensures safer gameplay without compromising speed or excitement levels experienced during these fast-paced encounters.

As we delve further into our journey through the world of Inline Hockey next time under Getting Started With Inline Hockey, remember that having proper gear isn’t just about following rules; it’s about enjoying this exhilarating game safely.

Getting Started With Inline Hockey

This version of roller hockey might surprise newer inline players with its unique dynamics and rules.

Tips for Beginner Inline Players

The first step is understanding the game’s pace.

Watching professional games can offer great insights into how the game is played.

Become familiar with equipment like skates without razor-sharp blades or plastic pucks used in place of traditional rubber ones.

Your safety gear should include helmets, gloves, knee pads and elbow pads as well – all designed specifically for this sport.

Moving from Ice to Inline Hockey: A Smooth Transition?

Experienced ice hockey players may find it easier than beginners when joining amateur leagues due to their familiarity with similar gameplay elements such as speed and skill-based tactics over physical aggression.

Physical aggression, however, isn’t part of the game here unlike elite ice hockey.

Avoid Illegal Maneuvers Early On:

  • Racing side-by-side against an opponent? Yes.
  • Pinning your rival big defenceman against the boards while he’s sprinting after that puck? No. That would count as illegal checks which referees’ discretion plays a major role in identifying during matches.

In conclusion, remember these tips before stepping onto the rink next time, whether you’re looking at playing professionally or just recreationally, happy skating.

FAQs in Relation to Is There Checking in Inline Hockey

Is there checking in inline hockey?

No, body checking is not allowed in inline hockey. The game emphasizes speed and skill over physical aggression.

Is there checking in hockey?

In ice hockey, yes. Body checks are a significant part of the game’s strategy and physicality. However, it varies by league and age group.

Is there checking in peewee hockey?

No, most youth leagues including peewee do not allow body-checking to ensure player safety and focus on skill development.

Why is there checking in hockey?

Checking serves as a defensive tactic to disrupt an opponent’s play or gain possession of the puck. It adds a layer of physicality to ice-hockey games.


Inline hockey, it’s a game of speed and skill, not brute force.

No full-on body checks like ice hockey. Safer? Absolutely!

The rules are clear – no hitting or body checking. But watch out for those sneaky illegal maneuvers that can slip by unnoticed.

Physicality is still part of the game, though. Blocking paths, pinning to boards – all fair play until you cross the line into roughing or charging territory.

And let’s bust this myth: roller hockey isn’t violent! Sure, there might be some aggressive tactics but fights are rarer than in ice hockey.

Your gear? Inline skates without razor-sharp blades and plastic pucks make inline games safer yet thrillingly competitive.

Join us today at World Inline Hockey where we answer all your questions about inline hockey, including, is there checking in inline hockey? 

Dive deeper into our resources on rules, physicality and equipment used in the sport.