Step by Step Guide: How to Play Inline Hockey Like a Pro

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

The Intricacies of Inline Hockey

How to play inline hockey?

Inline hockey, commonly known as roller hockey, is an intriguing game with many resemblances to ice hockey but also has distinct features.

One of the main differences between these two sports lies in their playing surfaces. Ice hockey players glide on frozen water using specially designed ice skates while inline players maneuver around the rink on wheeled inline skates.

Roller Hockey for an Ice Hockey Player

There’s good news if you’ve played professional ice hockey before and are considering transitioning into inline skating.

Your experience will give you a head start because both sports require similar skills like stickhandling and shooting.

In fact, many professionals have successfully transitioned from one form to another over time. Nevertheless, it is essential to recognize the difficulties that come with such a transition.

  • Roller skating requires more balance than ice skating due to lack of edges on wheels compared to blades used in ice skates.
  • You’ll need greater control when handling puck since bouncing is more common in roller games than those played on icy surface.
  • Besides physical changes, the game format itself differs significantly. For instance, the “offside rule”, commonly known in traditional Ice Hockey rules, does not exist here which might lead some initial confusion if overlooked.

To further understand how different yet intriguing world Roller or Inline hocket can be let us delve deeper.

Mastering Inline Skating Techniques

If you’re a novice to inline hockey, it’s imperative to comprehend the particular strategies that render this sport distinct.

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The Importance of Balance

In any form of skating, balance is crucial. This fact holds true for inline skates, where maintaining stability can significantly impact your performance on the court.

To improve your balance while playing inline hockey, consider practicing exercises specifically designed for this purpose. These could include one-foot glides or slalom drills which help enhance core strength and stability.

Executing Tight Turns

Tight turns are a fundamental part of roller hockey gameplay. Executing tight turns efficiently will provide an advantage over other players, whether you’re evading opponents in the offensive zone or attempting to keep up with a fast-paced game.

An effective way to practice these maneuvers involves setting up cones and weaving through them at varying speeds. Remember: speed isn’t everything; control matters too.

In addition to mastering balance and turning skills, don’t forget about another key aspect – lacing up properly. Ensuring your are tied correctly provides optimal support needed during play.

Looking forward now let’s delve into understanding equipment necessary for playing inline hockey.

Understanding Inline Hockey Equipment

If you’re unfamiliar with inline hockey, it’s critical to be aware of the gear needed for this sport. Unlike ice hockey, which requires bulky gear like shoulder pads and pants for protection, inline hockey has a slightly different set of necessities.

The Essential Gear: Skates and Helmet

Your first step in playing inline hockey is getting your hands on some quality inline skates. These are specifically designed with four wheels aligned in a straight line for stability during high-speed maneuvers. They also come equipped with brake systems at the back of one skate that allow players to stop quickly when needed.

Apart from skates, another crucial piece of equipment is an approved helmet. Helmets protect against potential head injuries during falls or collisions. Ensure you get one that fits well without causing discomfort over extended periods.

Pads: Elbow Pads & More

In addition to helmets and skates, various types of padding play key roles in keeping roller hockey players safe on the rink. Elbow pads, knee guards, and gloves help prevent injury while providing flexibility necessary for optimal performance.

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Bonus Tip: Broken Stick Refunds Policy

Last but not least – don’t forget about your stick. When choosing a stick remember they can break under intense pressure or impact so check if there’s any broken stick refunds policy offered by retailers before making purchase decisions.
Remember these basics as you embark upon your journey into the world of inline skating.

The Art of Stickhandling in Inline Hockey

Mastering the art of stickhandling is crucial when playing inline hockey.

This skill not only aids players to maintain control over the puck but also helps them maneuver past opponents with ease, making it a key factor for success in both offensive zone play and defensive strategies.

Stickhandling: A Vital Skillset

In inline hockey, unlike ice hockey where quick passes are common, roller hockey often requires more individual possession.

This means that having strong stick handling skills can be an absolute game-changer as it allows you to keep possession longer and create scoring opportunities.

Tips To Improve Your Stick Handling Skills

  • Practice moving the puck on all sides of your body while maintaining speed and balance.
  • Frequently switch between forehand and backhand positions during practice drills to improve versatility.

An Unusual Coaching Instruction That Works Wonders:

This unusual coaching instruction might seem strange initially but has proven effective time after time.

The smaller size and less predictable movement patterns help enhance hand-eye coordination.

As we transition from understanding equipment usage into exploring various leagues available for participation, remember this: superior stick-handling abilities will always give you an edge regardless if you’re gearing up for youth league tryouts or stepping onto sport court as part of an adult roller-hockey team.

Navigating Through Inline Hockey Leagues

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding the landscape of inline hockey leagues can be beneficial.

Youth Hockey Tryout Season

The youth hockey tryout season is often filled with anticipation and excitement for young players eager to show their skills on the sport court.

This period provides opportunities for beginners to demonstrate their skating stride, stickhandling abilities, and knowledge of ice hockey rules adapted for roller games.

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The program offers insights into what newcomers should expect during these trials.

Fitness Requirements at Youth League Tryouts

In addition to basic skill assessment in areas like balance maintenance on inline skates or executing tight turns efficiently, fitness requirements are also evaluated during tryouts.

  1. Aerobic endurance: This measures how long a player can maintain high-intensity play without fatigue setting in.
  2. Muscular strength: Players need strong lower body muscles for powerful strides and upper body strength for effective puck control.
  3. Bodily coordination: Good hand-eye coordination is essential when handling pucks while maintaining speed and direction changes.

Adult Roller Hockey League

For more seasoned athletes looking beyond youth leagues, hosts adult roller league games that cater to various experience levels.

If you’ve played professional ice hockey previously transitioning might not seem as daunting but remember each game brings its own challenges.

Different from pick-up street matches organized among friends; joining an official league requires commitment both time-wise & financially.

A well-informed decision will ensure your passion remains intact throughout your journey in this exhilarating world of playing inline hockey.

FAQs in Relation to How to Play Inline Hockey

How do you do inline hockey?

Inline hockey involves skating on roller blades, controlling a puck with a stick and scoring goals. It requires mastering balance, tight turns, powerful strides and effective stickhandling.

Can you hit in inline hockey?

No, body checking is not allowed in inline hockey. The game focuses more on speed, skill and strategy rather than physical contact.

How do you play roller hockey?

Roller or Inline Hockey is played by two teams trying to score the most goals within three periods of 15 minutes each. Players need to master skating techniques, stickhandling skills and understand the rules of the game.

Is it too late to start hockey at 15?

No age is too late for starting any sport including hockey. With consistent practice and determination one can learn new skills quickly regardless of their age.


Inline hockey is a thrilling sport that demands agility, speed, and precision.

The transition from ice to roller or vice versa can be challenging but rewarding.

Mastering the balance on skates and executing tight turns are crucial skills in this game.

Understanding your equipment plays an integral part in enhancing performance and safety during play.

A strong grasp of stickhandling techniques can elevate both offensive and defensive strategies.

Navigating through different leagues, whether youth tryouts or adult sports courts, opens up new opportunities for growth and competition.


World Inline Hockey offers comprehensive resources to guide you on How to play inline hockey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills further, our platform provides invaluable insights tailored to every player’s needs. Dive into the world of inline hockey with us today!