Learn the Art: How to Lift a Roller Hockey Puck Like a Pro

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Learning how to lift a roller hockey puck can feel like an uphill battle.

Indeed, the most daunting task when seeking to elevate your game is undoubtedly raising that roller hockey puck from the surface.

Lifting that roller hockey puck off the ground.

You might think you’ve got all the skills down pat as an inline player.

But mastering this technique? It separates the casual skater from the true competitor.

If you don’t learn how to properly lift that puck, reaching new heights in your gameplay will remain just out of reach.

The Basics of Roller Hockey Pucks

Roller hockey is a thrilling game, and the puck plays an integral role in it.

Just as with traditional ice hockey pucks, roller hockey pucks are created to withstand intense gameplay while providing optimal performance on different surfaces.

Differences Between Ice and Roller Hockey Pucks

An average ice hockey puck differs significantly from its roller counterpart.

A normal ice hockey puck typically weighs about 170 grams (six ounces) whereas most roller versions weigh less than that. The vulcanized rubber used for creating these lighter-weighted but sturdy roller-hockey-specific pucks.

Varieties of Hockey Pucks: Beyond Black Rubber Discs.

Hockey isn’t limited to black rubber discs anymore; there’s more variety now. For instance, blue-colored ones are popularly known as “blue ice” or “cool” pocks due to their unique hue compared to regular dark variants. This comprehensive guide here, provides insight into various types available today.

In essence, whether you’re playing inline or traditional games – understanding your gear matters. With this knowledge under your belt let’s move onto why lifting a roller-hocky puck is crucial during playtime…

Importance of Lifting a Roller Hockey Puck

In the dynamic world of inline hockey, mastering how to lift roller hockey pucks created for this specific sport is an essential skill.

See also  Learn How to Shoot a Slapshot in Roller Hockey

This technique isn’t just about showing off; it plays a crucial role in enhancing your gameplay.

The Strategic Advantage

Lifting the puck can be a game-changer during critical moments.

It opens up opportunities for outmaneuvering goalies and increases shot accuracy dramatically.

A well-executed high shot can catch even experienced goaltenders by surprise, leading to spectacular goals that could turn the tide in favor of your team.

Beyond Traditional Ice Hockey Techniques

While techniques from traditional ice hockey like using normal ice hockey pucks or blue ice hockey pucks continue to influence roller games, they aren’t always directly applicable due to differences between surfaces and equipment used. USA Hockey explains these differences further here.

Finding Your Sweet Spot with Roller Pucks

Vulcanized rubber makes up most average ice hockey pucks while roller ones are often lighter plastic variants designed specifically not only for smoother gliding on concrete but also easier lifting than their heavier counterparts. PureHockey’s guide elaborates more on choosing suitable gear based on playing conditions.

Tailoring Shots According To Game Situation

Puck flying low might work best when you’re close range trying to take advantage of open spaces near the goalie’s pads, whereas higher lifts come in handy for long-distance shots where there is less time to react, making them harder blocks. HowToHocky provides detailed insights into different shooting strategies here.

Remember, though: as every skilled player knows, practice key refining any new move, so don’t get discouraged if initial attempts at lifting seem challenging. Stick firmly and push through the learning curve.

Mastering the Art of Lifting a Roller Hockey Puck

The basic steps involved in lifting a roller hockey puck can seem daunting to beginner inline hockey players, but with practice and understanding, it becomes second nature.

Lever motion plays an integral role in this process, as does stick roll.

Getting Your Top Hand Involved

Your top hand is pivotal when attempting to lift your vulcanized rubber hockey puck off the ground.

To start, you need to have your top hand rolled downward on the stick’s blade; this position allows for quick snap action which propels the puck upward quickly.

The Role of Your Bottom Hand

Your bottom hand also has its part to play – providing power and control while launching pucks into mid-air.

Holding onto your stick firmly ensures stability during these maneuvers.

This technique requires precision timing between rolling wrists and ice push – an essential aspect often overlooked by many novice players.

By mastering these skills not only will you see improvement in getting those high shots over goalies heads but also keeping them low enough so they’re difficult for defenders block or catch.

See also  Essential Techniques for Playing Defense in Inline Hockey

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into strategies specifically designed long-distance attempts next section.

Tips for Long-Distance Shots in Roller Hockey

Mastering long-distance shots can significantly enhance your game as a roller hockey player.

The ability to lift the puck high and send it soaring towards the net from afar is an art that requires practice, precision, and power.

Leverage Your Top Hand

Your top hand plays a pivotal role when attempting long-distance shots. You create a snap action with your stick’s blade.

This technique propels the vulcanized rubber hockey puck upward quickly while maintaining control over its trajectory.

Cupping The Blade And Stick Roll

  1. To initiate this move, start by cupping the blade of your stick around the puck.
  2. Next step involves rolling your wrists so that they turn inward toward each other. This motion makes sure you have maximum contact between blade and puck at all times during shot preparation.
  3. Last but not least comes quick snap of wrists which sends average ice hockey pucks flying across blue lines into goal nets.

Maintaining Control Over Puck Trajectory

  • Precision matters just as much as power when taking these types of shots – too low or too high could mean missed opportunities on scoring goals. By keeping firm grip on handle (top hand rolled), players ensure better accuracy even if their attempts are made from distance away.

The key here is consistency: practicing these techniques regularly will help make them second nature during games.

Improving Your Puck Lifting Skills

If you’re looking to elevate your roller hockey game, mastering the skill of lifting a puck is crucial.

Regular drills are essential to develop the ability to lift a puck, which can not only increase shot accuracy but also surprise adversaries.

Regular Practice Is Key

The adage “practice makes perfect” also holds true in this context.

For instance, suggests drills designed specifically for enhancing control over the stick and puck.

Timing Matters

Paying attention to timing during practice sessions will help ensure success on match day.

 offers valuable insights into how players can work on their rhythm.

A Deeper Understanding Of The Ice Push Concept Can Be Beneficial

Incorporating ice push techniques whereby force is applied downward onto the playing surface before being transferred forward is essential when it comes to effectively launching pucks upward quickly.

To gain a deeper understanding of these concepts, consider checking out resources like How To Hockey’s guide on executing perfect slap shots.

Making Adaptations Based On Game Situations Is Crucial

No two matches are alike; hence, adapting one’s strategy based on unfolding events often proves beneficial.

For example, The Inline Paceline’s article about adjusting gameplay strategies against different opponents offers practical tips regarding such adaptations.

See also  Dominate the Game: How to Play Center in Roller Hockey

Being able to lift a roller hockey puck efficiently opens up numerous possibilities, making you unpredictable and harder to defend against.

As we venture further into refining our skills, let’s explore how these techniques could be incorporated into various types of shots next.

Incorporating Puck Lifting Techniques into Different Shots

Mastering the art of lifting a roller hockey puck is not just about sending it soaring in isolation.

It’s also crucial to understand how this skill can be integrated into various shots, such as wrist shots and snapshots.

The Art of Wrist Shots with Lifted Roller Hockey Pucks

A well-executed wrist shot combines power and precision, often leaving goalies scrambling.

To add an elevated dimension to your wrist shot, start by having your top hand rolled downward.

Then quickly roll it upward at the moment you release the puck for that quick snap action which sends the roller hockey pucks flying low or high, depending on what you aim for.
Remember: practice makes perfect.

Snapshots with Elevated Roller Hockey Pucks

Moving onto snapshots – these are all about speed.

It’s less about stickhandling and more focused on getting off a fast yet accurate shot before anyone else reacts.

Snapshots work best when taken closer to net, but adding lift gives them an extra edge from further out too.

The trick here? Similar to our earlier discussion – keep that bottom hand firm while allowing your wrists’ rolling motion during follow-throughs control height directionality of lifted roller hockey pucks created during play.

This takes time mastering so don’t get discouraged if initial attempts seem futile.

Remember: persistence pays off eventually in any sport including inline hockey.

FAQs in Relation to How to Lift a Roller Hockey Puck

How do you lift a hockey puck?

To lift a hockey puck, use your top hand to roll the stick and cup the blade under the puck. Then, snap your wrists upward quickly while pushing down with your bottom hand for power.

How do you teach a child to raise a puck?

Start by teaching them how to properly hold and control their stick. Next, guide them through rolling their wrist and snapping up during shots. Practice this motion until they can consistently lift the puck.

How do you pick up the puck on the board?

Picking up a roller hockey puck from the boards involves approaching it at an angle, using quick footwork for positioning, and then scooping it onto your stick using its curve before moving away swiftly.

How do you lift a puck on your backhand?

Lifting a roller hockey puck on the backhand requires a similar technique as the forehand but reversed: cupping the blade under the ball in the backhand position and rolling top-hand wrist upwards while applying force with the bottom hand.


It’s an intricate dance between your hands, stick, and the vulcanized rubber disc that defines our beloved game.

You’ve learned about how to lift a roller hockey puck and its importance in outmaneuvering goalies and enhancing shot accuracy.

The top-hand roll, bottom-hand power, lever motion, and blade cupping – are all essential ingredients to get that puck soaring high or skimming low as per your strategy.

Tips for long-distance shots have been shared. Open up that blade!

We’ve also emphasized regular practice and understanding when to use certain techniques, like an ice push, based on game situations.

Timing is everything!

Now, it’s time to take these lessons onto the rink. But remember: improvement doesn’t happen overnight; it requires patience and persistence.

So keep practicing those wrist rolls and snapshots until you can lift that puck with precision every single time!

At our hockey training center, beginners learn basics while experienced players enhance their skills.