Inline Hockey: Effective Techniques for Blocking Shots

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Written By Mark

A seasoned inline hockey player with over a decade of experience, Mark has competed at the amateur level and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Mastering techniques for blocking shots in inline hockey can be a game-changer.

It’s not just about stopping the puck. It’s an art that requires precision and strategy.

The contrast between a good and exceptional player is often seen in their proficiency at blocking shots. But mastering these techniques is no walk in the park.

If you’re struggling with your shot-blocking skills or simply looking to improve, don’t worry – we’ve got some tried-and-true techniques for blocking shots in inline hockey.

The Art of Blocking Shots in Inline Hockey

Shot blocking is a crucial skill for any inline hockey player, whether you’re an NHL rookie or playing your first youth ice hockey season.

This technique can dramatically alter the trajectory of a game by preventing goals and disrupting offensive end strategies. Yet, there are hazards associated with it.

Understanding Shot Blocking: The Basics and Beyond

To successfully block shots in inline hockey, players must anticipate shot delivery from opponents while maintaining their own safety on the rink. Emphasizes that this requires both physical agility and mental acuity.

Different types of shots, such as slap, snap, or wrist shots, require varying defensive tactics. Understanding these differences forms part of mastering the art of safely blocking incoming pucks during match play.

Risks Involved In Shot Blocking

Inherent dangers come with attempting to stop high-speed pucks – even when wearing protective gear like shin guards. These include potential injuries to vulnerable areas such as the face, head, or crotch if improperly positioned during shot-blocking attempts.

Therefore, proper training at reputable institutions like Tim Thomas’ Hockey School is recommended before trying out advanced techniques in real matches.

The ability to effectively counter slower-developing snapshots compared with quick tips learned for faster slap-shots could be key differentiators between amateur players and those who aspire towards matching Matthews’ skill level on the field.

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In our next section, we’ll delve into common mistakes beginners make while blocking, which often result in unnecessary penalties or injuries. Stay tuned.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Blocking Shots

When it comes to blocking shots in inline hockey, avoiding common mistakes can significantly improve your performance.

The first mistake is turning sideways or back while attempting a block. This exposes vulnerable areas and reduces the effectiveness of shot-blocking attempts.

Leading with Your Stick – A Risky Move

A prevalent error among both beginner and experienced players is leading with their stick during a block attempt. It might seem like an effective way to increase reach, but this move often results in puck deflection rather than successful blocks.

Besides causing missed opportunities for successful blocks, leading with your stick also increases injury risk. The force from slap shots or snap shots could cause the puck to hit unprotected body parts if there’s any miscalculation on the part of the player trying to block them.

Mistake: Opening Legs While Blocking

In addition, opening legs wide apart while trying to stop incoming pucks is another commonly observed mistake made by players at all levels. Not only does this expose sensitive regions such as the crotch area that are usually less protected than other body parts, but it also decreases stability, thereby making you prone to fall injuries when pressure is applied through fast-paced offensive end plays involving quick wrist snaps and slower-developing ones. USA Hockey advises keeping feet close together.

Protective Gear – Essential for Safe Shot Blocking

The significance of wearing protective gear in inline hockey cannot be overstated.

Safeguarding your body with adequate protection can drastically reduce the risk of injuries during shot-blocking. USA Hockey, a leading authority on all forms of hockey, emphasizes this crucial aspect regularly.

The Role of Shin Guards in Shot Blocking

One key piece of equipment is shin guards.

An essential part of safely block shots, they shield the lower limbs from direct hits and deflections. Not only do they protect against painful impacts, but they also help prevent serious injuries that could sideline you for much or even all the season.

NHL players often highlight their importance due to their role in absorbing most slap shots and snap shots.

In fact, NHL rookie players are advised early on about investing in high-quality shin guards as an effective strategy toward a successful career.

As we move forward into discussing positioning strategies within our offensive zone, remember that safety should always come first when attempting to block any type of shot delivery, be it wrist shots or slower-developing ones like slapshots.

Keep these insights handy throughout this exciting new hockey season.

Positioning for Effective Shot Blocking

In inline hockey, positioning is crucial to block shots successfully.

The closer you are to the shooter, the better your chances of blocking a shot effectively. This strategy covers more net area and leaves less room for error.

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Maintaining an Upright Stance

An upright stance while blocking a shot can prevent breakaways in high-stakes situations. It’s important not to drop down too early or make unnecessary movements that could expose vulnerable areas.

“When attempting to block shots, players should keep their bodies square with the puck carrier.”

Covering More Net Area

Standing close enough but maintaining some distance from shooters allows goaltenders and defenders alike greater coverage over potential angles of attack, emphasizing effective positioning rather than relying solely on reflexes.

Facing The Shooter Directly

  • Avoid turning sideways, which may leave gaps open between legs or under arms.
  • You want to be facing directly toward incoming slap shots or wrist shots.
  • This ensures the maximum body surface area available for successful blocks.

Handling Injuries During Game Play

In the high-intensity sport of inline hockey, injuries are an unfortunate reality.

The adrenaline rush and competitive spirit can sometimes overshadow pain, but it’s crucial to recognize when you’re hurt.

Recognizing Your Injury

If you feel a sharp or persistent pain during play, that’s your body signaling something is wrong.

Don’t ignore these signals; playing through could exacerbate the injury.

Taking Immediate Action

Your first step should be getting off the ice immediately if possible.

This not only prevents further harm but also avoids disrupting game flow.

Making this move beneficial on multiple fronts.

Maintaining Composure Post-Injury

Avoid reacting visibly until safely on the bench where team staff can assist appropriately.

It’s essential to maintain control over your reactions.

As we navigate through another exciting hockey season, remember – safety always comes first. This leads us to our next topic: enhancing shooting skills for better scoring.

Enhancing Shooting Skills for Better Scoring

In the competitive world of inline hockey, honing your shooting skills is crucial to becoming a successful goal scorer. Let’s explore some strategies to hone your shooting skills and maximize goal-scoring opportunities.

Snap Don’t Slap – Maximizing Goal Scoring Opportunities

The first tip comes from USA Hockey‘s youth ice hockey director and former NHL rookie himself – “Snap, don’t slap.” This phrase emphasizes wrist and snap shots’ effectiveness over traditional slap shots.

According to research findings, “slap shots account” for fewer than 7 percent of all goals in professional leagues like the NHL. So it makes sense why experienced players often favor quicker shot delivery methods such as wrist or snap shots.

Mastering Shot Selection – The Royal Road Strategy

Moving onto our next strategy – mastering shot selection with what’s known as ‘The Royal Road’ strategy. According to research findings, it involves moving the puck across center ice (the Royal Road), which statistically increases scoring chances by an impressive 60-70 percent.

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Remember, though, stickhandling won’t match Matthews’ skill overnight. Practice regularly during off-seasons, too, so you’re ready to come hockey season.

Quick Tips for Improving Your Inline Hockey Game

If you’re eager to improve your inline hockey game, consider these quick tips.

Safe Shot-Blocking Techniques

Master the art of blocking shots safely. This includes positioning yourself correctly and avoiding common mistakes like turning sideways or back.

The key is to face the shooter directly and keep your body square to them. Remember USA Hockey’s guidelines on shot-blocking techniques.

The Importance of Protective Gear

Protecting yourself with the appropriate gear, such as shin guards, is essential when it comes to blocking shots. They not only provide safety but also confidence during gameplay.

Strategic Positioning on Field

Your position in relation to the puck carrier and goal is essential in successful shot blocks.

Get closer to shooters when possible without compromising defensive responsibilities. For more insights into strategic positioning, check out this guide by How To Hockey.

Tackling Injuries Effectively

In case injuries occur during playtime, ensure immediate medical attention.
Remember that it’s crucial first to get off the ice before reacting visibly – maintaining composure helps prevent further accidents from happening due to panic reactions among other players.

Fine-tuning Shooting Skills

To become a better goal scorer, focus on improving shooting skills with emphasis on wrist shots snap over slap, which accounts for fewer than 7 percent of all goals in the NHL, according to research findings.

Consider investing time in mastering the “snap, don’t slap” technique to increase scoring opportunities significantly. This article provides some excellent advice about perfecting wrist snaps: “Snap Don’t Slap – Maximizing Goal Scoring Opportunities.”

FAQs in Relation to Techniques for Blocking Shots in Inline Hockey

How do you teach techniques for blocking shots in inline hockey?

Teaching shot blocking involves demonstrating proper techniques, emphasizing safety measures, and encouraging practice. It’s crucial to stress the importance of protective gear and correct body positioning.

How do NHL players block shots?

NHL players use a combination of strategic positioning, timing, and courage to block shots. They aim to cover as much net area as possible without exposing vulnerable body parts or losing balance.

How do you practice shot blocking?

To practice shot blocking, simulate game situations with a partner shooting pucks while you try different techniques for effective blocks. Always wear full protective gear during these drills.

What is shot blocking in hockey?

In hockey, shot-blocking refers to the act of a player intentionally placing themselves between the puck and their own goal during an opponent’s shooting attempt.


Inline hockey is a game of strategy, precision, and skill.

Mastering the techniques for blocking shots in inline hockey can be your secret weapon on the rink.

Avoiding common mistakes like leading with your stick or turning sideways is key to effective block shots.

Your protective gear isn’t just for safety – it’s essential to a successful shot-blocking technique. Don’t underestimate those shin guards!

Positioning yourself closer to the shooter increases your chances of successfully blocking a shot. Remember, standing tall prevents breakaways.

Injuries? They’re part and parcel of the game, but knowing how to handle them effectively keeps you in play longer. Get off that ice before reacting visibly!

Honing shooting skills improves scoring opportunities; under-handling puck, quick shots, eye contact during shooting… all important techniques for blocking shots in inline hockey.

World Inline Hockey is here to help you master these techniques and advance your inline hockey skills. 

Whether you’re a beginner looking for basics or an experienced player aiming higher – we’ve got information tailored just for you. 

World Inline Hockey, where every day brings new strategies, tips, and tricks designed specifically with manual dexterity in mind! Together, let’s make every block count!